By Nathan Lee - KIRU sharpening 20.4.2023
Stone pics
Close up details
Sharpening feel, characteristic and performance
Sharpening with a Mikawa Nagura is a unique and satisfying experience. The stone provides an excellent feedback, allowing you to feel the blade interact with the stone in a way that other sharpening methods(or stone for that matter) simply cannot replicate. As you move the blade across the stone, you'll feel the stone's surface subtly change and respond to the pressure and angle of the blade, resulting in a smooth and consistent sharpening process. The Mikawa Nagura stone is a true pleasure to use, providing a tactile connection to the art of knife sharpening that is truly unmatched.
The Mikawa Nagura is renowned for its exceptional performance when it comes to polishing, it's ability to reveal detail on iron and good edge.
This high-quality stone produces a very fine grit that can create an incredibly sharp edge on a knife blade. It's also known for providing a smooth and consistent sharpening experience, making it an excellent choice for both experienced sharpeners and those who are new to bevel sharpening.
With its exceptional feedback and ability to produce an outstanding level of sharpness, the Mikawa Nagura is a must-have tool for anyone who is serious about giving their knives a bling bling spa treatment.
I would highly recommend to purchase the Mikawa Nagura from Migoto Cutlery if you are in the Asia and Oceania region.
Characteristic of the stone (on a scale of 5)
Hardness - 4
Fineness - Can be in between 3-4.5 depending what you do with the stone surface
Speed - 4
Tags: Japanese natural stones, Mikawa, Nagura